The Company Profile of Xiamen Lucky Sports Co., Ltd
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Xiamen Lucky Sports Co., Ltd

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We offer full series of Fitness Products include:

Orbitrac, Orbitrac w/seat, Orbitrac w/twister, Orbitrac w/double handlebar, Orbitrac w/5 windows computer, Orbitrac w/Dumbbell, Orbitrac w/Stepper, Orbitrac w/MP3 computer, Orbitrac w/Radio computer, Orbitrek Platinum, Orbitrek Platinum w/seat, Orbitrek Platinum w/twister, Orbitrek Platinum w/double handlebar, Orbitrek Platinum w/5 windows computer, Orbitrek Platinum w/Dumbbell, Orbitrek Platinum w/Stepper, Orbitrek Platinum w/MP3 computer, Orbitrek Platinum w/Radio computer, Magnetic Upright Exercise Bike, Magnetic Home Trainer, Magnetic Exercise Cycle, Magnetic Elliptical Trainer, Cross Trainer, Elliptical Cycle, Elliptical Bike, Magnetic Spinning Bike, Magnetic Exercise Spinner, Magnetic Recumbent Bike, Magnetic Lazy Bike, AC Motorized Treadmill, DC Electric Treadmill, Walking Machine, Multifunction Home Gym Equipment, 1 station Home Gym, 2 station Home Gym, Weight Lifting Bench, Exercise Bench, Sit Up Bench, Max Stepper w/handlebar, Mini Stepper w/computer, Massage Machine, Beauty Massager, Vibro Massager, Vibro Plate, Commerical Use Fitness Products.

Please contact us for more details.
orbitrac, orbitrek platunum, magnetic upright bike, exercise bike, elliptical trainer, cross trainer, spinnning bike, exercise cycle, air bike, home trainer, home gym equipment, weight lifting bench, fitness bench, sit up bench, stepper, massage machine, beauty massager, vibro plate, motorized treadmill, electric treadmill, waling machine, exercise bench, commerical gym equipment, new orbitrac, orbitrek elite, cardio cruiser, easy shaper, ab machine, ab shaper, ab king pro, ab lounge, leg magic, ab rocket, max stepper, mini stepper, ac motor, dc motor, ab away pro, time works

  Contact information
Company :  Xiamen Lucky Sports Co., Ltd
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Beauty Massager Machine
2. Magnetic Elliptical Cross Trainer, Elliptical Bike
3. Motorized Treadmill
4. MultiFunction Home Gym Equipment
5. Orbitrek Platinum Air Bike
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