Shenzhen EnZe is specializing in the bags and baby items,established in 2009, And our factory specialize in manufacturing promotional bags and sports bags, including ice and cooler bags,tote bags, drawstring bags, sports bags, backpacks, duffel bags, cosmetic bags and school bags and nursing pillows,pregnancy pillow, changing pads and so on. We offer good quality products with competitive prices and a short leading time.
Our factory covers an area of 3,000 square meters and has skilled workers who ensure good quality, good price and on-time delivery. We do appreciate every chance each customer offer to us and we want to build up long term business relationships with all customers.
In addition, we always keep our product collections up to date by constantly following fashion trends and customers'' demands. Furthermore, we can accept OEM orders to fulfill your needs.
We are trying to provide excellent products and services through strict and effective management.
If you are interested in any of our products, or are searching for a supplier to fill your OEM order, please feel free to contact us and let us know your requirements. |
Pillow, Baby Pillow, Nursing pillow, pregnancy pillow, changing pad, baby bibs, mummy bags, backpack, cooler bag, cosmetic bag, pencil bag, eva case, shopping bag, baby carrier wrap, breastfeeding pillow, sitting cushion, baby walking belt assistant, saft seat belt for baby, baby head shaping pillow, woven bags |
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ShenZhen EnZe Trade Co.,Ltd |
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